Castlecabin at the National Ploughing Championships.
Well it’s that time of year again, with over 1,700 Exhibitors, 300,000 Visitors expected, not to mention over 300 Competitors, the 2018 National Ploughing Championships will be an event not to be missed. Apparently its one of the largest Agricultural Outdoor Events of its kind in Europe. The organisers promise us an event for all the family, with all sorts of stalls Indoor and Outdoor. Exhibitors range from Livestock, Machinery to Vintage Cars, Interior Design, Art Exhibitions and even Fashion Shows.
Needless to say, we are delighted to have some of our Clients at the Event. Look out for Crowley Engineering who will be proudly showing off our New Retail Unit (Click here for More Information). So you can see below, an inside view, outside and the Unit Lit up at Night. This is an ideal solution for all times of day, particularly with the darker nights creeping in. A great solution for a “Pop Up” shop, any place, anywhere.
Call us on 061 330 033 for more information. Or even better, pop over to the Crowley Engineering Stand 52, Block 1 Row 3 and have a look at the Unit in action.
Come to mention it, we have a lot of Clients exhibiting at the Championships. Dennison Trailers , RMD Kwikform and Farmec Ireland.
They have promised to fill us in on all of the events and send us some pictures of our Jackleg Cabins in action.
In other news, we are working away at getting our new Show Space Spic and Span for your all to visit. As you know, you are always very welcome to pop in and see us here at Castlecabin. One of our Sales Team will be more than happy to show you our range. So if you are passing us and want a look, do come in. Full address details can be found here.
We also have a great selection of Second Hand Cabins available for sale. These cabins have been totally refurbished to an extremely high standard. Give us a shout on 061 330 033 or Request A Quote for more details.
Well that’s it for the moment, oh , Best of Luck for All of the Junior Cert. Students getting their results today, hope you all got what you wanted.
Till the next post.
Take Care, The Castlecabin Team.